Crosstown Concourse has been hailed as one of the city’s most complicated projects. With a renovation cost of $200 million, the project’s visionaries, contractors, architects and aids speak about how the renovation grew from a Recession-era impossibility to a national gem.
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare is about to start construction to house several of its corporate offices and 350 employees inside Crosstown Concourse.
The latest building permit for Crosstown Concourse is for the Southern College of Optometry.
Jimmy Lewis said that when he agreed to move his Relevant Roasters concept into Crosstown Concourse, he was taking a risk.
Five new charter schools received approval Tuesday night to open next school year, including Crosstown High and an early college high school involving Southwest Tennessee Community College
The Crosstown Back & Pain Institute plans to build a $1.4 million facility inside Crosstown Concourse, according to new building-permit documents.
A new partnership will bring a state-of-the-art workout and wellness facility to Crosstown Concourse this January.
Three future tenants of Crosstown Concourse filed building documents this week showing they plan to spend more than $3.5 million total to build out their spaces
Geoffrey Meeker of the New Orleans-based French Truck Coffee has entered into a partnership with Jimmy Lewis of Relevant Roasters.
The 165 available apartments atop Crosstown Concourse and its beehive of artistic, health, cultural and academic activity can be reserved starting today.
The Crosstown Concourse construction project has reached a phase that passersby along North Watkins can more easily see: The site work outside.
A strong culture of arts-based regeneration and new civic-minded developments herald a long-anticipated turnaround for Memphis, but will the benefits of neighborhood-based revitalization spread citywide?
A five-man crew from A1 Electrical worked Friday installing some of the new conduit, wiring and 1,002 LED light fixtures for the four-level parking garage at Crosstown Concourse.
Bordered by Poplar and North Parkway, with Cleveland Street as the main drag, the Crosstown neighborhood just east of Uptown Memphis is best known by its anchor, the 89-year-old, 1.5 million-square-foot Sears Crosstown building.
The vast Central Atrium – 6,000 square feet of floor space that soars 114 feet high – may be the glossiest of Crosstown Concourse’s many architectural treats.
Not every city bicycle lane project is welcomed by motorists, but the bike lanes going in on Cleveland this month have led to an unexpected bonus for drivers.