
Lively Concourse wins Bruner Gold for its open doors, array of users

Boston architect and philanthropist Simeon Bruner has spent much of his professional life studying how the designs of urban buildings “manifest” themselves to make their surrounding communities better.

He’s never seen anything like Crosstown Concourse.

“I would say this building is unique in terms of public access and permeability and the multitude of different uses that come together without restriction,” Bruner said while touring the Concourse with The Daily Memphian late Friday afternoon.

The building was the Gold Medal recipient for the 2019 Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence.

October 13, 2019
New hair salon fills a need in Concourse’s ‘vertical village’

A client-stylist relationship — even one limited to monthly, 30-minute increments — can be therapeutic for the customer and strengthen customer retention for the stylist.

But the conversation stylist Barbara Barnett had with one of her regulars in 2018 proved to be life-changing for both her and a colleague at the Midtown salon where they had been longtime employees.

As a result of that conversation, Barnett and Whitney Adams on Tuesday, Oct. 1, will open and be co-owners of Hero & Sage, the first hair salon in the massive Crosstown Concourse.

October 1, 2019
Five years after closing, Midtown movie-rental store Black Lodge is reborn, reinvented

A movie rental shop closing in 2014 was a familiar story. But one opening in 2019? 

Welcome to the man-bites-dog tale of Memphis movie culture. After five years of dormancy, four different storage spaces to house a north-of-30,000-title VHS/DVD/Blu-Ray collection, three potential locations that didn’t pan out and two false starts, this countdown has arrived at the return of one of a kind: Black Lodge Video — now just Black Lodge — is back.

September 24, 2019
Get Sauced

Dips and sauces take center stage at Saucy Chicken.

June 4, 2019
This and That

Proud Mary brings handcrafted gifts, art, and vintage clothing to the Crosstown neighborhood.

June 4, 2019
On and Poppin’

Pop-a-roos brings gourmet popcorn to Crosstown Concourse.

May 29, 2019
Crosstown Arts Creates Four Places to Find Live Music

On a recent Thursday evening, about 80 people gathered in a room in Crosstown Concourse flanked by dark green curtains and ringed with sofas, love seats and armchairs. Amber light glowed from assorted lamps on side tables.

Standing on a rug in the room’s center, twin brothers Christian Underwood on bass and Christopher Underwood on drums, known as The PRVLG, played with Paul Taylor.

The concert was part of The Groove music series, focused on “funky bands,” at The Green Room, one of four music venues operated by Crosstown Arts. Other sites include Crosstown Theater, the East Atrium and 430 N. Cleveland, across the street from the Concourse.

May 23, 2019


Make plans to come early for dinner or drinks at one of Crosstown Conscourse’s many restaurants.

The Doghouzz is Bringing Gourmet Hot Dogs to Memphis

Is there any more American food item than the hot dog? The folks behind The Doghouzz are banking on this country’s love affair with this iconic food.

The Doghouzz will be Memphis’ only hot dog restaurant and bar. At 1349 Autumn in the Crosstown neighborhood, the 4,400-square-foot restaurant that includes an outdoor patio is slated to open in early June.

April 26, 2019
From the Desk of Crosstown High

Last fall, Crosstown Concourse welcomed the first class of 150 students to Crosstown High, a public charter school located inside the building. This project-based learning environment allows students to work directly with Concourse tenants on real life projects. Concourse is partnering with Crosstown High to bring you this column by ninth grader, Thomas Edwards.

February 12, 2019
New Places to Play

New pool, gymnasium, and community garden set to open at Crosstown Concourse in the spring.

February 12, 2019
Art for All

Crosstown Arts Shared Art Making offers public access to art-making equipment.

February 12, 2019


Make plans to come early for dinner or drinks at one of Crosstown Conscourse’s many restaurants.

How A Memphis Food Hall Is Transforming Refugee Lives And The Community

Seven years ago, Nepal native Indra Sunuwar, now 23, arrived in Memphis, Tenn., with her mom, dad and four siblings.

January 2, 2019
A coffee-sipping, art-viewing, food-loving, beer-drinking tour of Crosstown Concourse

More than a year after the mixed-use space opened, The Commercial Appeal sent a reporter and photographer to the Crosstown Concourse for a day in an effort to capture the atmosphere.

November 18, 2018
Straight to the Source

French Truck Coffee sends one of its own on a coffee origin trip.

November 15, 2018

1350 CONCOURSE AVE • MEMPHIS, TN • 38104 • 901.203.8300