The Crosstown Arts Film Series presents Halloween III: Season of the Witch with a live score by Robert Traxler, Natalie Hoffmann, and Revenge Body in collaboration with Memphis Concréte Festival at Crosstown Theater.
Tommy Lee Wallace / 1982 / 98 minutes / Rated R
Tickets: $10 at the door
Doors at 6:30 p.m. | Films begin at 7:00 p.m. (sharp!) at Crosstown Theater
Hospital emergency room Dr. Daniel “Dan” Challis (Tom Atkins) and Ellie Grimbridge (Stacey Nelkin), the daughter of a murder victim, uncover a terrible plot by small-town mask maker Conal Cochran (Dan O’Herlihy), a madman who’s planning a Halloween mass murder utilizing an ancient Celtic ritual. The ritual involves a boulder stolen from Stonehenge, the use of Silver Shamrock masks, and a triggering device contained in a television commercial — all designed to kill millions of children.
Performance by Robert Traxler, Natalie Hoffmann, and Revenge Body.
The Crosstown Arts Film Series showcases a diverse collection of independent, international, historically significant, artistic, experimental, cult, underground, and documentary features.